Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Money Tree (Part 3)

Following from the previous The Money Tree blog we are now looking at reasons for not increasing taxes on the wealthy. Reason 1: High taxes reduce investment, thus reducing the support for businesses/entrepreneurs, increasing unemployment and decreasing growth. This is related to Reason 2 – High taxes are a disincentive to individuals to make money.… Read More »

The Money Tree (Part 2)

Following from the previous post on the Money Tree looking at the capital of the wealthy, lets have a look at incomes using the government’s statistics, Table 2.4 It has been reported that the wealthy are paying relatively more tax. This is true, 53.5% vs 58.5% for 2010-11 vs 2016-17. Since 2010, the increased burden… Read More »

How it was: Labour Profligacy & UK Debt (Part 4)

So how it was is mostly not how it is remembered or described. The Conservative statements on Labour’s record referring to ‘Labour Profligacy’ (many factually wrong) trumped Labour’s poor/defensive statements defending it. The misrepresentations are of course repeated indefinitely – for example see Mail on Sunday, 9 July, 2017, p12 by Simon Walters: “reckless Labour… Read More »

How it was: Labour Profligacy & UK Debt (Part 2)

Previously I looked at the media presentation of Labour’s role in the financial crisis, now lets have a look at the evidence for Labour Profligacy. Chart D.13t The debt during the Labour administration 1997-2008 (pre-crisis) was less that that under conservative governments after 1980 except for a few years around 1990. By 2008 the debt… Read More »

What it’s about – Fake News

This blog is about how the mismatch between evidence and peoples views  generates ‘Fake News’. It will start by looking particularly at UK politics and the UK economy. The economy affects everyone’s life through – NHS, infrastructure, employment, wages/salaries, defence, education, social care, etc. It is useful if policy makers and the general public understand… Read More »